Eat This Japanese “Memory Bean” To Erase Senior Moments & Regain A Sharp Mind In 7 Seconds A Day
Updated Mon, March 03, 2025 at 12:10 pm EDT
“I woke up to a blood curdling scream.
I swiveled my head to my wife, Lori, shrieking in terror.
“Who are you? Get out of my bed!”
I looked around for an intruder but saw nobody.
So I sat up in bed and tried to reach for Lori’s hand…
But she violently flailed her arms at me…
Like I was some wicked stranger in leather gloves and a black ski mask.
Lori frantically grabbed her phone to dial 911.
Her fingers missed the buttons as her lungs fought for every gasp of air.
That’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks.
My wife couldn’t recognize me.
How could the love of my life…
My partner for over 32 years…
Forget who her own husband is?
When Tom shared this gut-wrenching story about his wife, Lori, with me…
It tore my heart to shreds.
But there was a silver lining to this nightmare.
It led me on a journey to discover the truth about memory loss…
And how a sticky Okinawan memory bean regrows a sharp, youthful brain like you’re in your 20’s again.
On this page, I’ll share every detail so you can hit the reset button on your brain in only 7 seconds a day…
Eliminating embarrassing senior moments like forgetting names or simple words…
Erasing the fear of being bound to a chair while your family spoon feeds you…
And instead, staying mentally sharp…
While protecting your precious memories for years to come.
I know that sounds far-fetched…
But this discovery is supported by research from Harvard University and University of California, Davis.
Plus, the proof is in the pudding.
You’ve probably heard of Okinawa…
And how this small island off the coast of Japan is home to the longest living people in the world.
Maybe you’ve even heard they have one-third the rate of dementia.
But I guarantee you’ve never heard this secret before…
Because it’s something that scientists only recently discovered.
It has nothing to do with pills, brain puzzles, or changing your entire lifestyle.
As a matter of fact, it couldn't be simpler.
Okinawans simply eat this memory bean for breakfast.
In just moments, it stimulates your brain to fire on all cylinders…
Whether you’re 50 or 85…
And even if memory issues run in your family.
This Okinawan memory bean also supports NEW, youthful brain cells…
Turning your “senior brain” into one that should belong to a razor-sharp 28-year-old.
For years, this has been the secret to Okinawan super agers.
But in this presentation, I’ll reveal every last detail.
When you eat this sticky Okinawan memory bean, you’ll remember tiny details without breaking a sweat…
Like names, birthdays, and phone numbers.
You’ll leave the GPS off when you drive to the supermarket…
And grab each item without writing a grocery list.
You’ll also wipe away brain fog that turns simple tasks into an uphill battle.
And you want to know the best part?
You’ll erase the crippling fear of ending up in a nursing home.
Instead, you’ll be alert and independent.
Sharing stories with your grandkids that they’ll treasure forever…
Before safely tucking them in at night.
I’m so excited for that to become your reality throughout your Golden Years.
Because let’s be real – not all seniors get this luxury.
Before this Okinawan secret, Lori’s memory loss started out with those seemingly harmless “senior moments”.
Maybe you’ve also experienced the following:
Losing your keys
Forgetting why you walked into a room
Forgetting names of people you’ve known for years
Words on the tip of your tongue
Repeating the same stories to your kids or grandkids
If any of those things sound familiar…
Then I gently urge you to watch every minute of this video while it’s still available.
Because you have these tiny “power plants” in your brain.
They fuel your brain with energy…
So you can think clearly and stay sharp as a butcher’s knife.
But with every passing moment, these power plants are dying…
And that’s how those “innocent” senior moments I mentioned…
Eventually turn you into an old curmudgeon.
I’m talking about the geezer who loses their wallet…
And then accuses their partner of stealing it…
Or worse…
They become a person who leaves the stove on all night…
Putting their kids and grandkids in danger.
And here’s the saddest part.
You rarely notice when you lose your memory.
Instead, your loved ones are the first people to realize the person they love is slowly drifting away…
Until you forget how to swallow your own food…
Or you forget your spouse even exists.
So please close out your tabs and pay very close attention.
The Okinawan memory bean supporting crystal-clear memories and a sharp mind in your 80s and 90s (and how you can try it today)…
The 1-word test to instantly determine if your brain is dying. If you fail, you have a 95% chance of suffering from dementia…
How to regrow tiny “power plants” in your brain that fuel youthful brain cells (in 7 seconds a day)...
Harvard Medical School: Why super ager brains and young adult brains look the SAME. Plus, how YOU can wipe years off your own brain...
And much, much more.
Before we dive in, I know you might still be skeptical…
So here’s what a few of the 32,477 people have said about this Okinawan breakthrough…
Like Margaret from Hollywood, Florida… “I was mixing up names of people I knew for years. I was forgetting where I parked my car. I was even missing appointments. Thanks to you, I’m clear-headed and am remembering tiny details I thought I lost forever.”
And how about Harold from Seattle, Washington… “My grandkids would call me out every time I repeated the same thing over and over. I felt like I was failing them as a grandpa and a role model. But now I’m so alert, I feel like I’m a sharp 25 year old again.”
And here's what Mary from Lexington, Kentucky had to say… “I lost count of all the crosswords I’ve done. But within just 1 hour of trying your solution, I’ve regained a sense of clarity I haven’t felt in years. I even read an entire book in just 3 days.”
Isn’t that exciting?
How do you get your hands on Neuro-Thrive? And how much does it cost?
Remember, I designed Neuro-Thrive as a last-ditch effort to save my friend Lori and her declining memory.
If we cut ANY corners, she could’ve been trapped in a haze forever.
Bottom line: Neuro-Thrive works.
That’s because its premium formula contains the most effective ingredients in the world at clinically effective doses.
Every bottle is manufactured in a world-class, FDA-registered facility in Ohio.
Of course, quality like this doesn't come cheap…
Which is why we could charge a very high price for each bottle of Neuro-Thrive.
But when you compare Neuro-Thrive to all the generic memory supplements out there…
The ones that don’t even contain PQQ or help your mitochondria…
Neuro-Thrive’s price will seem like a total bargain.
Think about it.
How much would you invest to save your mind…
So you’re independent instead of sitting in a chair all day, wondering who you even are?
How about protecting your cherished memories…like how you met your spouse, the birth of your children,watching your child or grandchild get married?
Without embarrassing senior moments like forgetting people’s names.
No more turning over couch cushions to find your phone.
No more losing your train of thought in the middle of a conversation.
What would you be willing to spend to make this dream your reality?
$200? $500? $1,000?
If you ask me, it’s not about money.
I’d journey to the ends of the Earth, if it meant I wouldn’t be sitting in a chair, lost in space for the rest of my life.
Well, my team suggested that I should at least cover the costs of research, ingredients, payroll, and all the other crazy expenses up to this point.
That puts the retail price at $149.
But when I heard this price from my team, something didn’t sit right with me.
My goal is to get Neuro-Thrive in as many hands as possible.
That’s why we cut out the middleman, so we ship directly to you from our website.
Fortunately, this also means we can slash the price to $99 when we do our full launch.
But it gets even better.
Because you've made it this far into the video, I know you're serious about your brain health.
So I want to reward you with a special price only available through this video.
Today, and for a limited time only, I'd like to offer you a bottle of Neuro-Thrive for only $69.
However, MOST Neuro-Thrive customers order 3 or 6 bottles (at an even steeper discount).
And the reason is simple.
While many users notice a boost in focus and mental clarity from the very first serving
The real magic happens when you take Neuro-Thrive for 90 days or more.
That’s because the ingredients take time to build up and give you the maximum effect.
In a study from the Helfgott Research Institute, people with poor memory took bacopa, one of the ingredients in Neuro-Thrive.
By 6 weeks, their recall significantly improved.
But by 12 weeks, they experienced a 400% greater increase in memory than they saw by week 6.
And that’s just 1 ingredient.
Imagine how sharp your mind will be when you take ALL the ingredients in Neuro-Thrive.
Simply put…
The longer you take Neuro-Thrive, the stronger your memory becomes.
And if you’re really serious about fighting memory decline…
Another good reason to stock up is the Loading Method.
Here’s how it works…
Instead of just 1 capsule… Double it by taking 2 capsules a day.
This builds up the ingredients much faster, so you sharpen your mind in as little time as possible.
Just imagine, one week from now, you stop feeling like an ol’ codger…
And feel like you stepped out of a time machine…
With a laser-focused brain that is more alert. You carry conversations without losing your train of thought. And you easily remember everyone’s name.
That’s all possible when you take Neuro-Thrive every day, for at least 90 days, and especially when using the Loading Method.
Of course, this all means you’ll run out of your supply faster than expected.
So the best route is to order 6 bottles of Neuro-Thrive today, which is a 6-month supply.
Since we’re shipping in bulk instead of 1 bottle at a time, we can cut down on costs, and pass these savings onto you.
Plus, I’d hate for you to try 1 bottle, reclaim crystal-clear memories for a month…
Only to run out of your supply AND see WE are out of stock too.
Look, Neuro-Thrive works well…very well. And it’s the only solution of its kind in existence.
No surprise, Neuro-Thrive is in high demand. So we run out of our current inventory often.
Thanks to our strict quality assurance standards and premium ingredients, it can take 1-3 months to restock.
If you’re left waiting for the restock, your mitochondria will likely start degenerating.
Your mental processing will slow down.
While the senior moments return with a vengeance.
But none of that has to happen. Because we’re giving you the steepest discounts on the 3 and 6-bottle options.
Today, you can order 3 bottles of Neuro-Thrive for only $59 plus free shipping & handling.
And you’ll save the most when ordering 6 bottles of Neuro-Thrive for only $49 + FREE shipping & handling.
And if you think about it, it only comes out to $1.50 a day.
This 6-bottle option saves you the most money, makes it less likely you’ll run out and get hit with a long waiting time for a restock, and simply gets you the best results…
Especially when you take 2 servings every day using the Loading Method.
So here’s what to do next.
Click The “Add To Cart ” Button Below To Order Neuro-Thrive Now.
The moment you click the button below, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure, 256-bit encrypted order form.
It’s the same technology big banks and trusted companies like Amazon use.
Just fill in your info and after submitting it…
Our team will immediately start processing your order to ship to your doorstep.
I really can’t blame you if you still have your doubts though.
There are shysters who’d love to run off with your money…
While you’re left high and dry with a bogus product.
Let’s be real…
You’ve likely been burned before.
That’s why we’re taking ALL the risk off your shoulders with our…
Here’s how it works…
If you don’t notice improvements in your memory and cognitive function…
Feel more focused and alert throughout the day…
And regain the confidence that your memory struggles stole from you…
Just send a quick email to our support team within 60 days of your purchase.
We’ll promptly refund every single cent.
No questions asked or strings attached.
But I doubt that’s going to happen.
Neuro-Thrive is the ONLY memory-boosting formula designed to regrow youthful mitochondria…
And wipe years off your brain’s age.
That’s why thousands of folks have improved their memory and cognitive function…
Without expensive treatments or harmful medications.
You truly have nothing to lose.
There’s NO reason to not give this program a test drive. So…
Go Ahead And Click The “Add To Cart” Button To Order Neuro-Thrive.
I'm so excited to hear about your life with a sharper, focused memory.
Thank you for reading!
Chris Wilson Certified Brain Health Trainer
Frequently asked questions
Q: Who is Neuro-Thrive for?
Neuro-Thrive is for anyone who wants to improve their memory, focus, and mental clarity.
You can order it for yourself.
Or if you’re a caring family member or friend…
You can order a 3 or 6-month supply for a loved one…
Like thousands of other Neuro-Thrive customers have done.
Q: Is Neuro-Thrive safe?
Neuro-Thrive consists of 7 natural, potent ingredients that improve your brain function and health.
Each bottle has 30 veggie capsules which are vegetarian-friendly, non-GMO, Prop 65 compliant…
And is manufactured in a pristine GMP-certified facility right here in the USA.
So rest assured, you are safe from toxic heavy metals or nasty bacteria.
Q: I’ve tried other memory supplements before. How do I know Neuro-Thrive is any different?
Most memory supplements on the market are low quality, generic formulas that don’t target the root cause of memory loss.
However, Neuro-Thrive contains effective dosages of the world’s most proven brain-boosting ingredients.
Most importantly, every serving contains PQQ…
Which regrows youthful mitochondria to reclaim a sharp mind…
Like you’re in the prime of your youth again.
Q: Do I need to change my diet while taking Neuro-Thrive?
Participants in studies using these ingredients, as well as actual Neuro-Thrive users, have seen significant improvements in their memory
and focus without making any other changes to their diets.
Of course, a healthy diet is always recommended for optimal health.
Q: What if I don't see results with Neuro-Thrive?
If you don’t see results or aren’t 100% satisfied for any reason whatsoever within 60 days, just send us an email and we’ll promptly
refund every penny.
With our 60-Day Neuro-Thrive Money Back Guarantee, you have nothing to lose!
Q: How fast will I receive my order?
As soon as you place your order, our team in the warehouse will start packaging up your shipment.
It usually takes 5-7 business days, but the exact time depends on your location.
Q: What now?
Just scroll down and select your preferred package now.
We recommend the 6-bottle option because the longer you take Neuro-Thrive, the better results you'll see.
By ordering that option right now, you save an incredible $668.
This massive discount expires when 100 people take advantage of this deal.
So scroll down and select the 6-bottle option, or whatever package you prefer.
I’m so excited to hear how Neuro-Thrive changed your life.
Q: Do you use a proprietary blend?
Absolutely not because we want to be fully transparent with what you're consuming.
You also need to know that the ingredients are in the effective dosages.
Companies that hide the formula often times just sprinkle in small ineffective doses of the expensive ingredients and hide behind the proprietary blend label.
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The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank's sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of
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Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of “Neuro-Thrive” and related products are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.